July 27, 2020

#074: Cold Email + Hyper-personalization: 4 step sequence, 82% open rate, 26% reply rate, 18% interested (Matthew Hunt)

#074: Cold Email + Hyper-personalization: 4 step sequence, 82% open rate, 26% reply rate, 18% interested (Matthew Hunt)

Matthew Hunt is the founder of Automation Wolf. Automation Wolf helps B2B companies automate their lead generation with AI-assisted technology and community building that allows you to build rapport, shorten your sales cycles, and scale your sales with fewer people to manage.

Matthew’s system offers a straightforward process to generate loads of attention, traffic, leads, without having to invest in SEO, content creation, expensive PPC ads, or any complicated marketing funnels. It can ALL be automated, so you can spend your time cherry picking the very best clients.

Join a community of SaaS founders, agency owners, and entrepreneurs sharing cold outreach tips, tricks, and strategies: https://morgandwilliams.com/community

If you don’t want Zuckerberg to spy on you but you still want valuable cold outreach tips, head on over to https://morgandwilliams.com/newsletter and put in your best email.